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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

This month’s Mercer Savings Bank Giving Mission recipient is the St. John Builders. This group, formed of volunteers from various churches in the Celina area, offers home improvements and home-building to those in need. Learn more about their mission and how to get involved.

Building Up the Community

In the early 1990s, a group from St. John’s Lutheran Church often worked with Habitat for Humanity in other areas throughout the state.

“They thought, if we can do this in other communities, why not here in Celina?” said Terry Fisher, current chair of the Builders.

Since that time, the Builders have helped countless people in need with home improvements like wheelchair ramps. They’ve also built 16 new homes from the ground up.

In addition to residences, the group has worked on projects like the Mercer County House of Hope and Hand-Up Village. Their willingness to serve wasn’t limited to the Celina community — after severe hurricanes devastated Florida in the early 2000s, the group traveled there to help rebuild.

Calling All Volunteers

A group of St. John Builders volunteers with a wheelchair ramp they built.

Terry said the program’s success depends largely on word-of-mouth, whether it’s soliciting volunteers or getting donations for building supplies.

Volunteers also form the committee that selects the families for the next home build. Each area church is represented, and all applications are reviewed before a selection is made.

In addition to donations, funding comes from events like participating in the 127 Yard Sale and
Annual Ice Cream Social.

This year’s home construction will begin in the summer months and is anticipated to end by Christmas. More funding is currently needed to complete interior finishes.

“When you complete a project and you see the happiness, the tears on people’s faces, that’s what it’s all about,” said Terry. “I think I speak for the whole committee when I say that.”

He said the Mercer Savings Bank Giving Mission funds will go into the Builders Fund to assist with this year’s home. “I want to thank Mercer Savings Bank — thank you for blessing us with this donation,” he said.

How To Get Involved

Volunteers are always welcome to join the group, whose members currently range from about 60 to 80 years old. Donations, whether monetary or building supplies, are also accepted.

If you’re in need of assistance and would like to request a project be completed, contact the group via the St. John Lutheran Church website.

Phone: 419-586-2332

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